Thursday, January 21, 2010

GVN Relief/Assessment Team to be Transported into Haiti Thanks to Support in Jamaica

The Global Volunteer Network (GVN) will send an advanced team of GVN relief professionals into Haiti this week thanks to a private organisation in Jamaica and public support.

In response to the Haiti disaster Colin Salisbury, Global Volunteer Network (GVN) Founder and President has commissioned an advanced team of relief professionals - all private individuals who have readily volunteered to lend their expertise and support - headed by Nadine McNeil, GVN Foundation Board Member who has over 20 years experience working in the UN, including a three year assignment in Indonesia following the 2004 tsunami.

“The team will make an initial assessment of the immediate needs on the ground, specifically addressing water/sanitation, health/safety, psycho-social trauma support, and logistics/ distribution. The recommendations coming from the initial assessment team will drive the GVN Haitian re-building/support volunteer projects for the next 12-18 months,” says Salisbury.

Salisbury says that the international community, both the public and private sectors have been quick to respond but more needs to be done.

“I am urging everyone to act. Whether you dig deep and put your hands in your pockets, volunteer, or send prayers, please do something. We can all do something.”

If you are interested in joining a GVN volunteer team in Haiti over the coming 12 months, please visit the GVN website:

You can also listen to Colin Salisbury's radio interview about the Haiti relief effort and volunteer program here.

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