"I first found out about GVN and their efforts to help Haiti in early February. The Earthquake and tragedy that followed with it struck a cord with me like never before. Already knowing that they are the poorest country in the western hemisphere, I felt it was going to take a monumental effort from many in the volunteer/disaster community and GVN was vowing to be firmly committed to the cause. My initial intention was to join GVN's volunteer effort and be on the ground where I could make an immediate impact and help in whatever way possible. However, due to some circumstances, I wasn't able to be apart of the initial group going to Haiti. I felt like there was still something I can contribute to the cause and after giving it some thought, I decided to throw a mini-fundraiser to coincide with my birthday party in late April.
After going over some ideas with Caitie Goddard and having GVN's blessing, I decided to create a flyer, and invite some of my closest friends, relatives, and co-workers. I made it a 90's themed party, had my good friend video DJ, and rented out a small space in one of Hollywood's historic bars: The Formosa Cafe. Moreover, The Formosa gave me the space for almost nothing knowing that it was for such a great cause! I wasn't expecting anything too big... my goal was to have at least 50-60 people there, and ask for nothing more than $10 a person. I told everyone that was within speaking distance about GVN and their commitment to build a long term volunteer program.
Everybody was thrilled to pitch in and be a part of something important and urgent! Yes it was also my birthday party, but it was only a backdrop to the real stars of the night, Haiti and GVN!
Long story short, I had well over 80 friends, family, and co-workers attend, and along with my contribution, we were able to raise over $1,200! I wish I could've done more but at the end of the day, it wasn't bad for a thrown-together last minute lil' shin dig! Also, I linked GVN's foundation site to my facebook page so the people that could not make it to the party can contribute via online donation. All in all, I am proud of the fact that I have friends and relatives that share my feelings about this tragedy and even though we can't be there in person, we are there in spirit, heart, and mind. I wish GVN the best of luck in all of there endeavors and I still plan on being a part of their volunteer effort in Haiti in the near future.
Much Love,
Sean Porter
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